Nigerian Association of Nephrology (NAN)
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Nephrology Association of Nigeria (NAN)

Welcome Address by Prof. Jacob Olugbenga Awobusuyi - President

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the newly elected executive committee, I would like to say thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve the Association for the next two years. We are deeply touched by your confidence in us, and weaccept this responsibility with great humility.

Your belief in us is not just an honour but a responsibility that we promise to carry with utmost dedication and integrity.

We would like to express our deepest appreciation to our Association's founding fathers, past Presidents, and Executive Committees for their vision in making this Association one of the greatest in Nigeria.

Weare aware of the challenges that lie ahead. The field of nephrology is complex and ever-evolving. However, We are confident that with our collective efforts, we can overcome these challenges and continue to advance in our mission to improve kidney health nationwide.

Weare aware of the challenges that lie ahead. The field of nephrology is complex and ever-evolving. However, We are confident that with our collective efforts, we can overcome these challenges and continue to advance in our mission to improve kidney health nationwide.

We envision a future where every Nigerian has access to quality nephrology care. To achieve this, we must strengthen our research efforts, enhance our training programs, and foster collaborations with other healthcare professionals.

In this journey, We look forward to your support, your expertise, and your unwavering commitment to our profession. Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of our patients.

We wish to congratulate the chairman of the LOC (Dr. Adebisi) and his team on the beautiful success of the Conference. It was a splendid event in terms of intellectual quality, insightful presentations and social networking opportunities. The logistics were smooth, and you have a wonderful team of friendly and helpful people. You can be proud of your achievement.

Once again, thank you for this incredible opportunity. We are excited to embark on this journey with all of you, and I am confident that together, we will reach new heights.

Thank you.